A bank in Russia lost a million dollars because of a router


The Russian bank PIR lost $ 1 million after hackers infiltrated the bank's systems via a compromised router installed in a regional branch

The funds were stolen on July 3 through the client Transfert automatic workstation of the Central Bank of Russia – a system of interbank funds transfer similar to Swift.

After being in possession of the million dollars, the pirates transferred the amount to 17 accounts to the big Russian banks and then they cashed it. The criminals tried to make sure that they could still steal money via the compromised router, but they were detected by the Group-IB security company under contract with the bank.

The MoneyTaker Group is responsible for the attack

IB is responsible for the organization of MoneyTaker hackers, which he considers to be "one of the biggest threats to the banks around the world. MoneyTakers hackers were first known in the spring of 2016 when they stole money from an American bank after they had access to the Star Data card processing system. 19659006]. "MoneyTaker is behind a number of attacks that have hit banks in the UK, the US and Russia.

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MoneyTaker has access to the servers of the PIR bank via an obsolete router used in a regional branch Once they have entered the network, the hackers entered the interface of the funds transfer system, generating payment orders and sending money in multiple installments to prepaid accounts

"This is not the first attack successful with a cash withdrawal in 2018. We are experiencing at least three similar incidents but we can not reveal the details before the end of our investigations

An incident in 2016 where MoneyTaker hackers stole about 2 million dollars in using the Its own program, remains one of the biggest attacks of its kind, "says Valeriy Baulin, head of the Investigative Laboratory of the IB Group, quoted by finextra.com

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