A vacation in space, closer than ever. How much does a trip cost?


If you want to take a trip in space, discover now: what it costs and when you can buy your travel tickets. Representatives of Blue Origin say they will be offering these packages from next year

Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos' aerospace company, will offer year-round space travel next. According to Reuters journalists, to become a passenger, it will take between $ 200,000 and $ 300,000 from his pocket.

Potential customers and the entire aerospace industry are eager to find the price of a ticket for a spacecraft New Shepard, the new shepherd

Everyone was wondering if the price of the tickets would be affordable and if Blue Origin could generate sufficient demand to make space tourism profitable. Business executives founded in 2000 by the Amazonian owner said last month that they planned to conduct passenger tests soon, and next year they would start selling tickets.

"This vehicle will carry people, we will do everything we can for sure.We will test it.We will not catch it on any shortcut.So we will put people in this vehicle when we are ready and not a second earlier.Can you imagine what Alan Shepard (the first American in space in 1961, NR) felt so many years ago? enough cool "said Jeff Bezos, founder of Blue Origin and CEO of Amazon

The company, 30 kilometers south of Seattle, released the vehicle's design, a rocket launch pad and a detachable passenger bag, but kept silent about the production situation.

Blue Origin representatives did not respond to requests to comment on programs and ticket prices. Jeff Bezos said in May that the price of the tickets was not decided yet.

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Jeff Bezos

blue origin

vacations in the space

How much does a space trip cost?

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