Alro: Closing of the public offering of shares launched by Vimetco and Conef unrealized |


Alro announced on Friday that the conditions for the successful closing of the public offering launched by Vimetco NV and Conef SA, due to "adverse market conditions", did not been fulfilled

"Alro SA (" The Company "or" Alro "), as well as its shareholders, Vimetco NV and Conef SA (" Shareholders "). ), announce that no price agreement has been reached between the company, the shareholders and the coordinators regarding the secondary public offering of shares launched by the shareholders for a package of 383,791. 140 shares issued by the company ("offer") and therefore the conditions for a successful bid have not been fulfilled, "says a company report released on Friday Bucharest Stock Exchange

Alro declare that the main purpose of the company and the shareholders was to create value permanently for the shareholders. by increasing the share of freely traded shares "to reflect the true value of the company in the price of Alro shares. "

" Alro and its shareholders remain committed to this. Unfortunately, due to adverse market conditions, the company and its shareholders do not consider the offer as an opportunity in the end. Alro remains committed to strengthening and continuing its long-term development program, strengthening its position in the international market, developing new products and entering new markets, "the document says. 19659005]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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