BALANCE. What income did the Pro TV group have in six months. $ 23 million just took cabling


  BALANCE. What income did the Pro TV group have in six months. $ 23 million taken only from wiring
Aleksandra Cesnavicius, General Manager of Pro TV

Pro TV's activities in Romania amounted to $ 95.5 million in the first six months of the year. year. The figures are based on the financial report published by the parent company Central European Media Enterprises (CME) listed on the stock exchange

The company also had an operating profit before depreciation (OIBDA) of $ 43 million.

Although the company started well in the first three months, the numbers stagnated in the second quarter and declined somewhat.

Even in the expanded financial report of CME, it is mentioned that during the second quarter of this year, from April to June, the advertising revenues of Romanian operations decreased after the positions of the group provided less Ranking Point because of low ratings

We recall that in the first half of this year, Pro TV suffered in the audience chapter five nights out of seven, when Kanal D was Exatlon . At the same time, Chefi aux couteaux, broadcast by Antena 1 on Monday and Tuesday, rose for Pro TV

The report also indicates that the decline in audiences was partially offset by the increase in rates advertising, announced by Pro TV in the summer of 2017 and operated this year (details, HERE ). presents the Pro Pro Group's revenue structure, which operates Pro TV, Pro Cinema, Pro Pro, Pro Pro, Pro Gold, Pro TV International and Pro TV Chisinau:

  • Total revenues in January-June rose to $ 95.5 million while in the same period of 2017, the media group earned $ 87.5 million .
  • Gross revenues Pro TV came as usual from advertising : 70.2 million dollars .
  • From cablist the Pro TV group earned $ 23.3 million in revenue .
  • Assessment of CME in the four countries where it is present
  • CME is present in four countries, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia, after having announced the sale of televisions in Croatia and Slovenia. The company mentions in the financial report that on July 31, the sale of media in Croatia should be finalized at Slovenia Broadband.

    In total, in the four countries in which it operates, the group achieved a turnover of nearly $ 300 million in the first half of 2018, up 16% over the same period in 2017. depreciation and amortization in the four countries at $ 86.3 million. Revenues of each country in which Central European Media Enterprises is present during January – June 2018 (dollars):




    Country Revenues Jan – Jan 2018 Income Jan – Jun 2017 [19659022] 1 Bulgaria Czechoslovakia 36079000
    2 Czech 112 562 000 92845000
    3 Romania 95 555 196,590,000 87,514,000 4 Slovakia 49,723,000 42,964 .000

    Media companies from January to June 2018 (19659019) OIBDA Jan – June 2018 OIBDA January – June 2017 19659023] 4243000 2 Czech 43621000 36124000 3 Romania 43089000 [19

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