Bloomberg: Danske Bank, used for money laundering – Print


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Estonian Danske Bank A / S operations were used to launder 53 billion Danish kroner ($ 8.3 billion), Bloomberg said, saying the amount is considerably higher than 25 billion crowns previously estimated for this case by the newspaper Berlingske.
According to the source, the revised figure is based on documents from 20 companies that had accounts with the Danske branch of the Estonian branch in 2007-2015
Berlingske says it's not clear that is behind the transactions, but previous press releases have shown that the money comes from Russia, Moldova and Azerbaijan. The newspaper said that money laundering also involved funds related to an illicit plan
Danske Bank plans to announce in September the results of its internal investigation into anti-money laundering violations. Until now, the bank has informed that she could not completely comment on the case until the results of the investigation are complete.
After the latest accusations, Danske's compliance officer, Anders Meinert Jorgensen, said: "It is too early to draw conclusions on the extent of potential money-laundering offenses in Estonia . Jorgensen added: "That's why we have not published any figures and have not commented on speculations about potential amounts, but on several occasions I've said that the # 39, extent of the case seemed to be higher than previously estimated. " The Bank continues to cooperate with the authorities and provides them with information "as long as it has not already been done," according to Danske.


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