BMW and Great Wall to produce MINI electric cars in China


BMW and Great Wall Motor made a joint venture to produce Mini Electric cars in Jiangsu Province, China.

"The signing of this agreement marks a new level of cooperation between China and Germany," said Harald Krueger, CEO of BMW, writes Automotive News Europe

. The Mini revealed in September an electric concept at the Frankfurt Motor Show, which foreshadows the future electric model

The creation of the Spotlight Automotive joint venture coincides with China's decision in April to impose restrictions on foreign ownership . the country with the possibility that Western manufacturers could eventually buy other local partners

BMW also agreed to work with Brilliance China Automotive Holdings to curb the increase of Chinese import tariffs for its US SUVs [19659006] BMW and the Chinese at CATL … ” class=”lazyload img-thumbnail”/>

Read more: BMW and the Chinese at CATL to build a battery factory

The premium car manufacturer sold in Chin l & 39 last year 560,000 BMW cars, more than the US and German markets together. For Mini, China was the fourth largest market in the world with about 35,000 units delivered. "This highlights the potential of the global brand, which will now be significantly supported through the joint venture with Great Wall Motor," said BMW.

The company promised last year to build electric models at the Oxford factory in England. BMW said that any expansion plan in China does not affect the brand's commitment to the UK.

Founded by billionaire Wei Jianjun, Great Wall has become the leader in SUVs in China, offering spacious models at lower prices than sedans. Volkswagen or General Motors

  Jean-Philippe Parain, BMW: ...

Read more: Jean-Philippe Parain, BMW: b, e, v, n, t, s)
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