BMW will open a one billion euros factory in Hungary, 75 km from Oradea – Auto


BMW announces the opening of a car factory in Debrecen (Debrecen) and will invest one billion euros. Construction will begin in 2019 and annual production will reach 150,000 cars. This is the first factory that BMW opens after 2000. In Hungary, they produce BMW cars and German rivals: Audi and Mercedes. The press has also written in recent years about BMW's willingness to open a plant in the region, but sources rarely mention Romania as being on the shortlist, which includes Hungary, Slovakia and Poland [19659002] Budapest and 75 km from Oradea. The new plant will create 1,000 jobs and the same chain will produce conventional and electric motor cars.

BMW claims that Debrecen is the perfect place to develop its production network thanks to

The factory will focus mainly on the European market, where BMW has sold 1.1 million cars l & # 39; last year, which represents 45% of its total production

The construction of the factory will begin in the second half of 2019.

BMW has had its own office in Hungary since 2004 and acquired for 1 , 4 billion euros of materials and services last year from the neighboring country.

"BMW Group's decision to build this new plant reaffirms our global growth outlook and, after significant investments in China, Mexico and the United States, we are consolidating to maintain an overall balance of production between 39, Asia, America and our continent, Europe, "said Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Board of Directors of BMW AG." Europe is the largest production site from BMW Group, but in 2018 we invest more than a billion euros in our factories in Germany to modernize them and prepare them for electric mobility. "

Debrecen is the perfect place to BMW Group expanded its production network and was chosen mainly for the very good infrastructure, the good logistical links and the proximity of the established supplier network, and the qualified staff in the region was another important asset. ; e factory team, many jobs will be created at the parts and service suppliers both in the new production plant and in the region, says the company.

50% more than in 2013.

Hungary has a strong automotive industry, but the big problem with BMW will be the recruitment of 1,000 people, given that it is a Serious work force in Hungary after many

BMW Griup achieved a turnover of 96.8 billion euros last year, or 20 billion euros. euros more than in 2013 and almost twice as much as in 2009.

The largest market of BMW Group is China, with 24% of sales, is followed by the United States of 14% and l & rsquo; Germany of 12%. The next three markets are the United Kingdom, France and Italy.

With 2.5 million cars produced for the BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands, production volumes reached a new historical record. This data included 2,123 947 BMW, 378,486 MINI and 3,308 Rolls-Royce. The German factories of the company, which produced more than one million cars, are responsible for nearly half of the production

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