BT: 32% of Bancpost's clients accept Swiss franc loan conversion offer |


A 32% percentage of Bancpost's customers accepted the offer to convert Swiss francs to euros or lei and the first conversion contract was signed on Wednesday, according to a statement from Banca Transilvania

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Banca Transilvania and Bancpost were launched at the beginning of the month, an offer dedicated to Bancpost clients who have loans in Swiss francs with real estate guarantees. first time, around 2,250 Bancpost eligible customers were contacted by phone and invited to a meeting in one of the Bancpost units included in the campaign to find the details of the offer .After the meeting with Bancpost – BT, customers have 15 days to decide the acceptance of the conversion, after which a new programming is also required, at Bancpost, for the signature of the corresponding documentation

The offer means for the Bancpost clients loans in Swiss francs with real estate guarantee, reduction of 18%, applied to the current balance, of which outstanding payment obligations and amounts due by the customer and not due are due, [19659003] Banca Transilvania On June 26, he intended to include in the acquisition of Bancpost the subject of customers with credits in Swiss francs that were ceded, but the offers of BT were refused by the assignee. For this reason, the offer also does not apply to those who have already benefited from loans granted by Bancpost but which were sold by Bancpost to other entities before Banca Transilvania acquires the stake. Majority held by Eurobank in Bancpost

Banca Transilvania became the owner of the majority stake (99.15%) held by the Eurobank Group in Bancpost, owned respectively by ERB Retail Services IFN and ERB Leasing IFN, in April 2018. [19659007]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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