CASA AUTO is partner of Renault and opens a new showroom in the city


  • Response of the Swedish Embassy to the anti-PSD: each country decides to accept or not personalized plates

    The Swedish Agency of Transport, by l & # 39; intermediary of the Embassy of Sweden, argued that the personalized registration plates are valid, but each EU country, the driver transits can decide whether to accept them or not. The plates are valid, but the owner of the car with the personalized number …

  • Bikarbonate in the land of flowers! Here is what happened after a few days


    Baking is not only a good natural solution for cleaning, but also to help get beautiful plants, experts say.

    Plants with flowers that like mild alkaline soil, like bego …

  • Romanian films "Touch Me Not" and "Infinite Football" were screened at the International Film Festival of Jerusalem

    Pintilie will be screened Monday at the Jerusalem Cinematheque, as well as August 2 and 3, under the banner of the International Film Festival, which runs from July 26 to August 5. The festival also hosts the screening of the movie Infinite Football by Corneliu Porumboiu …

  • A new international accreditation of economic studies at Babeş-Bolyai University

    UBB Cluj


    From the 2018-2019 academic year, the Faculty of Economics and Management of Babeş-Bolyai University …

  • 30 young people take their first steps in the police career at the IPJ Iasi. Where they were assigned – PHOTO

    30 new police officers take the first steps in their policing career at the County Police Inspectorate (IPJ) in Iasi. Young …

  • Florentin Scaletchi: Holiday Days

    With my alarm clock, I managed to break my busy schedule to run a few days at the big sea "Black Sea" in the seaside resort of Mamaia – the pearl of the Romanian coast. I would not say that I'm on my back, frying in the sun, or staying in the water for hours, […] Art …

  • SCJU has confirmed the death of a baby born in a private clinic. The state of the mother is critical

    Andrei Constanţa, St. Apostol's clinical hospital, confirmed the death of a baby born in a private clinic in Constanţa. The mother of the child tried a natural birth through prolonged work, but complications appeared. The woman arrived during the …

  • Constanta County. The three-year-old girl in anaphylactic shock, carried on her arms by a border policeman and a policeman. The child was beaten by bees

    A border policeman and a gendarme of the mobile gendarmerie group "Tomis" in Constanta helped save a three-year-old girl suffering from anaphylactic shock due to bites from her body. Bees, carrying it …

  • The National Liberal Party (NLP) has established how and when the candidates to the elections of the European Parliament will be decided

    The Executive Bureau of the PNL decided, Monday, July 30, how it the list of candidates for the Euro-parliamentary elections will be drawn up. Registration for the internal competition will be made until September 1st, applications will be submitted to the General Secretariat

  • eMAG Home Appliances – Air Conditioners Week

    eMAG – Air Conditioners – The largest online retailer in Romania has offers devastating for air conditioners. Read more …

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