Dăncilă, revelations about the conversation with Dragnea the night before the conviction


PSD Interim President Viorica Dăncilă said that a party should take the past, continue to do good things and learn from its mistakes. "I think we have to consider this in order to give birth to a wave of credibility towards us, and let's go back to the 2016 speech on what we promised Romanians then," she says.

Viorica Dăncilă told Romanian television that a party must learn the lessons of mistakes and assume the past.

"I believe that one party has to take the past, do the right things and learn from the mistakes that have been made, and I think we have to look at that so that we can bring some credibility back to us." 2016 speech on what we promised Romanians at the time, "said the Prime Minister.

Dăncilă said what he said on the evening of the Euro-parliamentary elections with Liviu Dragnea.

"As part of the discussion with Mr. Dragnea, we had a discussion just in the evening when the results of the elections were announced.In the company of several ministers, I went to the headquarters of Băneasa to wait for the outcome of the elections. Was there when the first polls took place, when we found that the results in the European Parliament were mediocre, "said Dăncilă.

The prime minister said he discussed the government and received advice from Liviu Dragnea.

"I talked about this government on Sunday evening with Mr. Dragnea and told me that, whatever happens, we should not give up the government because we promised the Romanians something and we had to do it. can not give up because this renunciation would be a failure on our part, a failure not for the Romanians, but for those who do not really want us to govern, for those who do not propose solutions, but who only come 39 with ugly things and accusing the government.It was the discussion.We did not discuss the next day, we were not expecting what happened the next day.C & # 39; This is why the party was not an easy situation.On Sunday evening, poor results of the European Parliament and arrest the next day the party president.I think it was the critical moment for the PSD, a moment that we touched everyone, then I thought it was imp to bring the party together. It is important as Prime Minister and Executive Chairman to bring all the presidents of the country's organizations to make a short-term decision on how to overcome this moment and on the measures to be taken, "said Dăncilă.

The interim PSD president added that party leaders were protecting their political party.

"We were not allowed to let the party drift, and I did not hesitate either, the presidents of organizations, or the senators and deputies we met in two days." a stalemate, it was a difficult time, but this holiday is of a high quality.Now the party joins.When they go through a difficult time, they are all shaking around the party and this is what happened now, "said Dăncilă.

Viorica Dăncilă also said that for the autumn of this year, the PSD aims to win the presidential election, that a poll will be held for the nomination of the candidate and that "we must not forget that Mr Klaus Iohannis left at 20% ".

With regard to local elections, the PSD now has 2,000 mayors and wants to keep it after next year 's elections, but that is why a good score in the presidential election is needed.

Source: News.ro

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