Enel takes 115 million euros from the EIB for automatic loading stations


Enel X Mobility, a subsidiary of the Italian group Enel, has obtained a loan of 115 millions of euros to the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the development of charging infrastructure of power plants throughout Italy for the period 2018-2022

"The European Investment Bank (EIB) is working with Enel to install approximately 14,000 electric vehicle charging stations throughout Italy over the next five years .This is the purpose of the agreement signed today in Rome by the EIB and Enel X Mobility, subsidiary of Enel X, the branch of the Enel Group, which focuses on the development of innovative products and digital solutions, "said the company. Enel X Mobility will benefit from a loan of 115 million euros on 10 years, guaranteed by Enel SpA, of which 50 million euros have already been invested.

With regard to the EIB, which will finance about 50% of the total investment of Enel X Mobility, this transaction is part of its main areas of activity: finance projects to fight against climate change in areas such as innovation and sustainable mobility

Enel is committed to significantly contribute to the development of electric mobility in Italy through its own national program, which aims to install 7 000 charging stations across the country in 2020, reaching a total of 14,000 by the end of 2022 with a total investment of about 300 million.

"We are committed to actively contributing to the development of a sustainable mobility system in Italy.Our plan is ambitious and it is important that we have the support of the EIB to implement it." We will build an infrastructure technologically advanced and advanced that will help to increase the number of electric cars on Italian roads and will generate significant benefits for the environment, the economic system for businesses and citizens, improving their daily lives, as well as travel habits and consumption, "said Francesco Starace, general manager of Enel.

Dario Scannapieco, vice president of the EIB, believes that after the modernization of power plants and the bank's commitment of 1 billion euros To install 41 million new digital meters, "electric cars will help improve people's lives, reduce and so on. "

Enel X's extensive charging station network will include fast (22kW) stations installed in urban areas, as well as Fast charging stations (50kW). and Ultra Fast (more than 150 kW)

More than 60% of the loading stations will be installed in major metropolitan areas and in other cities, while the others will initially provide national coverage for long journeys. and in the medium term. , in the suburban and long-distance areas

This new infrastructure also includes the EVA + project charging stations (electric vehicles), co-financed by the European Commission, which provides for a three-year facility on extra-urban roads , 180 charging stations for electric vehicles with a range of 400 km. They will be available on the market before the end of 2018.

For the launch of the national program, Enel X signs agreements with local and regional governments as well as with public institutions and private companies to design infrastructure in public or private areas. open

More than 350 municipalities have signed agreements with Enel X to install charging infrastructure for electric cars

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