Engie's business figure increases slightly to 30.2 billion euros


The Engie business figure rose 0.1% in the first half of this year to 30.2 billion euros ($ 35.2 billion), while the earnings before tax, interest, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA at EUR 5.1 billion

Basic revenues of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have almost halved, from EUR 242 million to EUR 133 million , according to Agerpres

Engie's recurring operating income rose 1.4% to 3.1 billion euros, while net recurring revenue rose 11.4% to 1.5 billion euros

Reuters questions analysts An EBITDA of 5.08 billion euros, a current operating profit of 3.08 billion euros and a recurring net profit of 1.43 billion euros

Engie confirmed its forecasts in 2018 by recording a recurring net profit between 2.45 – 2.65 million rds, basic earnings of 9.3 – 9.7 billion euros while dividends would be 0.75 euro per share

This month, Engie has completed the sale of its natural gas division liquefied (LNG) transaction to Total SA valued at $ 1.5 billion. Under this agreement, Total will pay $ 550 million more to Engie if the energy market situation improves over the next year.

Engel, Isabelle Kocher, is engaged in a massive restructuring process including the disposal of 15 billion euros in assets and 22 billion euros in investments.

Engie, France's leading natural gas supplier with 9.6 million contracts, has more than 16 million customers in Europe. The French group is involved in the entire liquefied natural gas production chain from exploration and production to the identification and exploitation of new deposits and distribution. to the end customer

In the Romanian market, Engie is present in three business sectors: natural gas, electricity and energy and environmental services

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