Several people became ill in the United States, and authorities detected at least two outbreaks of cyclosporine infection after people consumed McDonalds salads, CNN reported. In less than a week, the number of cases increased from 61 to 163 in 10 US states.
Out of 163, three people had to be hospitalized. McDonalds is now trying to identify the ingredient that makes it sick and precautionarily stopped selling salads in 3,000 restaurants in 14 states: Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Nebraska, Dakota South, Montana, North Dakota, Kentucky, West Virginia and Missouri
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 237 cases of cyclosporine infection in individuals who consumed the Del Monte Fresh salad, which contains among others broccoli, cauliflower,
Cyclospora is an intestinal parasite that causes symptoms such as diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite, cramps and abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea and fatigue, but also headache or fever in more severe cases. 19659005] Tags:
mcdonalds salad
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