Evolution of the Romanian Stock Exchange: Last Stock Exchange Data – The National Courier


The evolution of the DIGI stock market is largely correlated with the overall evolution of the stock market

Over the past 12 months, the BET index has lost about 4% of value. However, compared to April 25, 2018, it is down 10.7% (in the context of statements by politicians on Pillar 2 of retirement).

Stock exchange quotations are influenced by many factors. The equity of a company does not play a determining role in the stock market valuation. Among other things, Electrica (a strong company with the largest shareholder of the Romanian state and enjoying a monopoly in its sector) had a poor performance over the last 12
months (down from 36% of 14.16 lei per share at 9.37 lei), the stock market quotations of Bucharest

In general, the Romanian market is weak. Both the market capitalization of listed companies is much smaller than the stock exchanges:
Market Capitalization (EUR Mil)

Athens Stock Exchange 40,561.31

Bucharest Stock Exchange 20,291.92

Budapest Stock Exchange 22 576,15


CEESEG – Vienna 126 097,39

Warsaw Stock Exchange 138,357.32

Source http://www.fese.eu/statistics-market-research/statistics)

But one important factor is the lack of liquidity in the market.

Bucharest Stock Exchange 639.8

Athens Stock Exchange 815.8

Bucharest Stock Exchange 123.0

Stock Exchange 639.8

CEESEG – Vienna 3,390.9

According to the above data, Budapest, Prague and Vienna each have a 4.5% higher liquidation than Bucharest.

Statements by some politicians regarding the price of gas collapsed in one day the prices of the two gas producers in Romania (OMV-Petrom and Romgaz) by 4.5% and 5% on 19 July, when ( 19659021) (function (d, s, id) {{19659021}
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