Fine for RCS-RDS after abusing customer data


The RCS-RDS operator was fined after processing the personal data of some customers without their consent

The RCS-RDS operator was fined 7,000 lei for having collected and stored copies of identity documents. At the same time, he would process the personal data without the consent of the persons concerned.

The sanction was granted by the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data (ANSPDCP) following an investigation of the office. The fine was of course disputed by the company.

RCS-RDS is not the only major telecommunications operator in our country to have been fined for this same problem. Orange Romania, leader in the local telecommunications market, has received a similar decision from the ANSPDCP, which she also challenged in court.

Telekom Romania Communications (formerly Romtelecom) and Telekom Romania Mobile Communications (formerly Cosmote) was also fined for improper use of personal data, but they also challenged the decision in court [19659002] Last but not least, Vodafone Romania had problems with the ANSPDCP. He also challenged the decision on the fine.

The biggest fine this year was for Telekom. In March, Telekom had technical problems with the network. According to the ANCOM analysis, users have not been able to make calls, use the Internet or access remote monitoring services or devices security and remote control, the operator was sentenced to pay more than a fine. Million lei

Also from ANCOM came a recent fine for Vodafone. The reason for this is that Vodafone has not fulfilled its obligation to cover 72 localities with the mobile network, according to a license acquired at the 2012 auction. Vodafone has asserted its breach of its obligations because of " many obstacles that it has

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