For 2017 Hidroelectrica has given ROL 1,134 billion dividends – Companies


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The Hidroelectrica energy company distributed Friday 90% of its profit in 2017. The dividends for the last fiscal year rise to 1.134 billion rupees, of which 0.908 billion for the Romanian state, represented by the Ministry of Energy, and 0.226 billion ROL to the minority shareholder, Fondul Proprietatea, according to a press release from the company
The amounts distributed are about 10% higher than last year and are due to the historical results achieved by Hidroelectrica in 2017: ROL 3 ​​254 billion and a net profit of R $ 1 603 billion. EBITDA of 69%, according to the company data.
Bogdan Badea, Chief Executive Officer of Hidroelectrica: "Hidroelectrica's exceptional financial results in 2017 allow us to distribute to shareholders the largest dividends in the history of the company. The company is all the more remarkable as it was obtained. We put these results on an efficient procurement strategy and on a very good understanding of the mechanisms and functioning of the energy market. We are concerned about the long-term sustainability of the company's success, so we have included in the strategy the diversification of activities, especially in the field of green energy, without losing sight of it. Other opportunities. The production and sales of energy in the first half of 2018 give us every reason to believe that the current year and better for our society. "
The company produced 9,345 TWh between the beginning of the year and June 30, about 20% more than the same period of 2017, where 7,783 TWh were produced, so that she expects to exceed all profitable profits
The company representative added: "Beyond a better hydridicity, I see these performances as a result of strategic measures put in place by management since 2017: the staffing plan has been optimized, maintenance plans have been redesigned and we no longer have the capacity removed during peak periods. "
The company has planned for the year 2018 the investments of a value of 109 million euros, the most constant in the recent history of the company. At the same time, Hidroelectrica intends to resume financing some of the targets with economically viable complexities, investments that have been stalled so far.

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