Ford takes advantage of the new Ecosport strategy: SUV sales produced in Craiova tripled in the first half


Ford Ecosport traded 55,000 units in Europe during the first six months of the year, almost three times more than at the same time last year

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Ford has released its first report on model sales in Europe and the data confirms the popularity of Ecosport on the Old Continent

The SUV produced in Craiova sold at 54 900 units and recorded sales almost three times higher than in the same period last year, when he recorded 19,800 orders.

The Craiova plant is the only one to produce Ecosport for the European market, so the growing popularity of this model has beneficial effects for employees.

Ford's best-selling Ford SUV in Europe remains Kuga, provided it had 86,500 customers in the first six months, while the Ford Edge, another US-branded SUV, was sold only in 6500 units.

However, the Ford Fiesta is dominated by 157,400 units, while Focus has halted to 115,800 units. Thus, Ecosport has become the fourth best selling passenger model in Ford's European range, after Fiesta, Focus and Kuga.

Interestingly, Ford sold 3,300 B-Max units during the first half of the year, a model that was removed from the Craiova plant since last fall for Seat Ecosport

. Two months ago, Ford announced that it was going to produce a second model at the Craiova plant, a project in which it will invest 200 million euros and will complete the number of jobs employing another 1,500 people. The name of the moment and the beginning of the production have not yet been announced

Via Ford

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