From 2021, Tesla's domination of the electric car market will come to an end; European manufacturers will take control


<img width = "696" height = "302" class = "entry-thumb td-modal-image" src = " Tesla-Model-S-Model-X-Fremont-showroom-696×302.jpg "srcset =" -Fremont-showroom-696×302.jpg 696w,×289.jpg 665w, https : //×333.jpg 768w, content / uploads / 2018/07 / Tesla-Model-S-Model-X-Fremont-showroom-1024×444.jpg 1024w, -S-Model-X-Fremont-showroom-1068×463.jpg 1068w, 968×420.jpg 968w, 1272w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px " alt = "Although, in recent years, the high-end electric car market has been driven by the Americans of Tesla Tesla"] a company that has seriously contributed to advancing technology, we are preparing now a detour by the giant. We learn from a study that European companies will soon exceed the number of sales of electric cars Tesla

According to this report, European manufacturers will sell more than Tesla in the coming years in the market for electric vehicles, Daimler being the group to take over from 2021. Subsequently, companies such as BMW, Renault, Mitsubishi Nissan, VW, Volvo and Toyota.

Tesla would be in 7th place in three years now and we find that predictions have been made based on automakers' strategies, battery technologies, distribution networks, partnerships, and financial performance.

The main chapter in which Tesla's production is that of the limited number of cars coming out of factory doors. While European brands possess the knowledge and technology needed to mass-produce vehicles, Tesla is still working to improve this chapter, a process that could take another five years.

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