Glencore, also in Romania, is down 13% on the stock market after the United States asked for documents in a possible corruption scandal


today, 00:04


Catalina Apostoiu

The shares of Glencore, a company also present on the Romanian market and one of the largest grain traders, fell on Tuesday afternoon 5% on the London Stock Exchange after the US authorities asked to trade documents in An investigation into firearms bribery

Glencore's shares have suffered a sharp decline in the last two years after US authorities asked the company for documents related to bribery and corruption. money laundering, writes Bloomberg. The world's largest commodity trader announced that he had been summoned by the US Department of Justice to hand over documents. These include the activities of the company in Nigeria, Congo and Venezuela since 2007

Shares have lost up to 13%, more than 5.5 billion pounds ($ 7.3 billion) being erased from the market value of the company.

Article published in the print edition of Ziarul Financiar of 04.07.2018

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