Google's co-founder makes faster and more efficient flying machine


Google cofounder, Larry Page makes a flight, but more effective than the previous one.

Larry Page sets up a new start-up, called Opener, to create a new flying car, better than the previous star Kitty Hawk

. ] The co-founder of Google did not even say how much he invested for the previous project, but who takes care of the money when you have such dreams.

The second flying machine will be called BlackFly, it's Black Musk and will be a one-seater vehicle capable of driving up to 40 kilometers and at a top speed of 100 km / h.

The Black Fly will be powered by eight engines and it is thought that it is an amphibious vehicle. remove a field of grass. The flying machine can be handled with the joystick and is so easy to drive that you do not need special training or a driver's license in a special category.

According to the launch of Opener, BlackFly is working on more and more, and the sum of all the tests performed equals 1,400 flights, for a total distance of more than 19,000 kilometers. In other words, Opener wants to convince us that their flying vehicle deserves all confidence and is able to play the role of taxi of the future.

The car was developed in collaboration with the Canadian transport authorities, so it is approved and in every way we see it in the skies of some cities in the future.

Larry Page has the ambition to persuade the Canadian authorities to buy this vehicle for use in public transportation

The black fly should also be available to individuals, but the price will be huge, according to your intuition. At least in the beginning, and then everyone can afford a flying car. But if it 's more lucid to look at things, so many fancy startups have been boosted lately, without actually materializing, asking if money was spent unnecessarily when it could be done something else. useful for the efficiency of the traffic.

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