Hematologist: cancer and heart disease are influenced by blood type


A study conducted in the United States shows that the risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer is influenced by blood type, according to AMPRESS, citing doctorulzilei.ro. Although we can not change the blood type, it is best to know what diseases we are likely to avoid by changing the way of life.
* Cardiac disease. "The blood group is linked to several diseases such as heart attack, stroke and thromboembolism," says Dr. Mary Cushman Blood, a hematologist at the University of Vermont.
Specifically, the risk of blood clots is 60% higher in people who are not in group 0. In addition, people in groups A, B and AB are at a higher risk of coronary heart disease than those in group 0 , according to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health. Other studies have associated all other blood groups other than 0 to an increase in the level of inflammation in the body, resulting in the onset of diseases. But if people at risk have high blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes and lead a healthy lifestyle, they are more likely to avoid the disease.
* Memory loss. A study conducted at the University of Vermont with 30,000 people showed that people in the AB blood group were 82% more likely to develop dementia.
* Cancer. People in the blood group 0 have a lower risk of developing gastric cancer. "The main cause of gastric cancer is a microbe.The bacterium called Helicobacter pylori is one of the best-known infectious causes of stomach cancer.The reason that blood type A – and possibly B – presents a risk Increased gastric cancer is linked to a different inflammatory response.These people are more prone to the effects of this bacteria, "found researchers at the University of Vermont.
One of the largest oncologists in Romania does not agree with this research and believes that there is not enough evidence to support it.

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