Hornbach's business rises to 1.22 billion euros


Hornbach's turnover increased by 2.7% in the first quarter of 2018/2019 (March 1 to May 31, 2018), to 1.22 billion euros, compared with 1.19 billion euros the previous year. In addition, adjusted operating income (EBIT) decreased by 14.8% to 78.9 million euros, compared with 92.6 million euros for the same period last year. last year.

The Hornbach Group representatives are pleased with the performance of the first quarter of 2018/19, "despite a less seasonal spring season due to weather conditions."

"As expected, moderate growth over the previous year's business figure, due to a lower trade surplus, below the record level of the spring quarter of the previous year Earnings per share of the operation was reported after three months to 2.69 euros (the previous year 3.18 euros) .The board of directors expects that the first quarter will be recovered in the next quarters, "reported Hornbach Group.

In the largest operational subgroup – Hornbach Baumarkt AG (DIY) The turnover increased by 2.8%, to 1.16 billion euros (1.13 billion euros). 39 euros the previous year). Two new high fashion and construction stores in Zwolle (The Netherlands) and Affoltern (Switzerland) also contributed, which were opened in the first quarter

. The construction site of a small area in Alzey (Germany) was closed due to lack of development prospects. The number of DIY retailers thus rose to 157 on May 31, including 97 in Germany and 60 in the rest of Europe

On a comparable sales area and without taking into account exchange rate adjustments , the figure The activity of the subgroup grew by 2.3% in the first three months.

"At 5.4% higher, the target for the previous year was very high, while the weather conditions in the first quarter of 2017-2018 were ideal for construction and renovation projects. Due to winter conditions in March 2018, we had an unfavorable start to spring this year, however, in the first quarter of 2018/19, we experienced an increase in sales in a comparable sales perimeter, including because of the particularly favorable dynamics out of Germany, "says Roland Pelka, member of the board of directors [19659004] With a turnover of 612.7 million euros, the net business turnover of Hornbach building materials stores in the German market was close to that of the previous year, compared with 613.4 million the previous year. [19659004] In contrast, in the eight other countries where Hornbach operates, the turnover rose by 6.3% to EUR 549.4 million (previous year: EUR 516.9 million). The share of the foreign share in the turnover of the Hornbach Baumarkt AG subgroup went from 45.7% to 47.3%

"Due to weather influences, sales show a large variation in In the same quarter of the previous year, thanks to strong sales and improved sales, we achieved exceptional results, but in the first quarter of 2018/19, the signs were the opposite, "said Roland Pelka.

In addition, the adjusted operating profit (EBIT) of Hornbach Holding AG & KGaA Co. decreased by 14.8% to 78.9 million euros against 92.6 million euros. ; euros). Earnings per share of the holding decreased by 15.4% in the first quarter of 2018/19 to 2.69 euros (the previous year, 3.18 euros).

"The board of directors has confirmed the forecast of turnover and turnover for the 2018/19 world year." It estimates that the income deficit of the first This will be offset by the fact that the operating result (EBIT) adjusted for the effects of the non-operating results of the Hornbach Group for the full year will be offset in the coming quarters. 2018/19 will be close to the level of the fiscal year 2017/18 (165.6 million euros) "

Founded in 1877, Hornbach has 157 mixed construction and gardening stores in nine European countries ( Germany, Austria, Holland, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Sweden, Slovakia and Romania), including six in Romania (two in Bucharest, one in Baloteşti, Braşov, Timişoara and Sibiu)

Hornbach has about 20,000 employees

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