HOROSCOP Week from December 10 to 16, with Camelia Patrascanu. Gemini are in good relationship with money, Aquarians solve an old problem


HOROSCOPE The astrologer Camelia Patrascanu presented, at Antena 3, the horoscope of the week from 10 to 16 December.

HOROSCOP BERBEC. It is announced a week that starts very well. I can count on Monday because they have authority, they have courage and work hard, but they have to be diligent. On Tuesday, they may consider that their hand is forced. Probably a friend asks them things they do not have or want to give. On the other hand, they feel that the other does not give what they ask for: more respect. Instead, at the end of the week, especially for Rams who want to leave the city, long and very pleasant trips. Be careful, however, at the wheel.

HOROSCOP TAUR. The Bulls must deal, especially at the beginning of the week, with problems linked to acts or collaboration, to a partnership. Whether it continues or not, it must go through acts and arrangements, possibly promises and ordinances that must necessarily exist between the partners. They will be tense enough on Tuesday and Wednesday as they need more authority and power. He exercises it, but it is possible that not everyone agrees. But I can count on friends on Thursday. Fridays and Saturdays are great days on the relationship and friendly – they also receive good advice.

HOROSCOP GEMENI. Gemini focuses on goods, money or the preservation of wealth. They currently have a growing moon a week, so they can very well accumulate or organize their material interests, especially if they rely on communication. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, all their communication skills are very intensely used and work weekends: Friday and Saturday are very effective working days for Gemini or work-related.

HOROSCOP RAC. Cats focus on the partnership and specify whether or not they establish a relationship with someone very important to them. It can also be a very close partnership at work, but also a marital relationship. They may feel at a disadvantage right now by a condition they face. They negotiate it in their minds and in their souls if they want to make a concession. They are not too willing. So, probably Thursday or Friday and even Saturday we are still discussing. They always seek a compromise, but without giving up their ideals.

HOROSCOP LEU. Lions work well Monday, they have very good results, they are at a time when we must order many aspects and areas of life, with the sacrifice of certain activities to continue others more effective. Health is targeted. From a relationship point of view, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are delicate. It is possible to send a relationship back to a person if they are not honored or do not feel shocked. But on weekends, they have a softer heart, someone advises them better or maybe an unwanted person apologizes.

FECIOUS HOROSCOPE. They are very inspired. Monday is a day of power, a very important day of the week, because it has advantages and greatly benefits the Virgin. They must do the things that they think should be done. They go beyond their limits, because the tasks are complicated, which is why it is a day of power and must make certain decisions on their side. Monday's decisions may have consequences for their colleagues or leaders on Tuesday and Wednesday, but things are going well. Thursday, Friday or even Saturday, they get very good results, especially if they rely on their expertise and professionalism.

HOROSCOP BALANCE. Balances always order things at home and in family relationships. They need a better seated and he has to put it in place. This can not be done to their own advantage, so they have to put it in place and do not want to make any concessions on Monday. Because they are distracted by all kinds of cute and sentimental problems, Tuesday and Wednesday, it is possible to put less pressure on the family to do what they want. But Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays are working days, not necessarily at the office – they provide all kinds of services, they help somebody, especially someone with health problems.

SCORPION OF HOROSCOPE. Many meetings and very important discussions. Monday solves all sorts of administrative problems and is doing very well, efficiently and quickly. But Tuesday and Wednesday are complicated days in the family. They may be unexpected guests or an agenda that they had established on vacation to be overwhelmed by the surprise arrangements of family members. It is not communion and it is difficult to get there. It will be easier Thursday night, Friday and Saturday, when everyone will be more inclined to fall in love with the Moon in peace to find a consensus. Maybe I can make a gift to reconcile someone.

HOROSCOP SAGGER. Sagittarians focus on money, especially on Mondays, because they have a very successful day, that they solve a lot of problems, that they get rid of a problem. toll or that they put some money in their pockets. In any case, they put their wealth in the shelter. They have a travel trip in the middle of the week, but there are all sorts of surprises and maybe entanglements, so it's good to have a flexible agenda to be able to adapt to the surprising situations that occur. It does not synchronize with the train or the person with whom to travel or meet. But in the family, it is wonderful Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. This is a consensus, but if they leave them and put someone else on the forefront, not their needs.

CAPRICORN OF HOROSCOPE. Since Monday, the Capricorns are in the attention of the stars because the Moon crosses them and can deduce that they must change or change something important in their life or that they can not continue on the road that they are now. They will not make radical changes for months, but they think that they are finishing one step and that they must enter another stage of their lives, with another behavior and another mood. They spend, not for themselves but for others, at will on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but their hearts return for Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays when they are very beautiful and wonderful meetings.

HOROSCOP VĂRSĂTOR. The Aquarians may have to solve an old job on Monday, which they do not like to handle, but they have to do it because it's also a very effective day and could solve a complicated task more easily and quickly. embarrassing. But they are rather capricious Tuesday and Wednesday. They can hardly rely on them, they have changing arrangements, they can be meteorological, and they do not have to make decisions or draw conclusions about people. Very good Thursday, Friday and Saturday, especially for the money.

HOROSCOPE FISH. It's a week that months rely on a supporter or protector. The protection zone is very well activated, and it is good to know how to take advantage of it, whether it receives advice, an ear or a help. But Tuesday and Wednesday, the mistakes or excesses they committed could catch up with them, and they must necessarily correct them, recognize their fault or improve things in one way or another. They may want to look better than in a particular situation, so that the world is not overtaken by their mistakes. Otherwise, the weekend is excellent and they are in great shape.

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