How much Disney buys from 21st Century Fox


The shareholders of Walt Disney and 21st Century Fox voted in favor of the $ 71.3 billion offer after the American Comcast announced that it was pulling out of the race , according to Mediafax

Twentyeth Century Fox, 30% stake in the Hulu streaming service (partly owned by Comcast and Time Warner), will be taken over by the operation, thereby gaining majority control from a competitor Netflix platform, Star India, FX and National Geographic television networks, and 39% of British Sky Broadcasting Group UK – BSkyB pay-TV

The agreement also allows to control a vast catalog of productions such as Star Wars, Avatar, Deadpool and The Simpsons.

Originally, Disney offered $ 52.4 billion to Fox, but Comcast raised the offer to $ 65 billion, eventually reaching $ 71.3 billion.

The Fox-Disney deal will end more than five decades of expansion of Rupert Murdoch, an 86-year-old media mogul, who has turned an Australian newspaper inherited from his father's father. 21 years old, in a media and entertainment empire.

Following the agreement, Murdoch will remain the owner of "New Fox", including Fox News Channel, FS1 and FS2 and Fox Business Network

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