How much does a space trip cost with Jeff Bezos's rocket?


The year 2019 could be one where the first tourists will fly out of the atmosphere, and Jeff Bezos has already prepared a price list for his exclusive service aboard the New Shepard Space Module. It is not yet known the state of the blue technological origin, which has been kept secret until now

Bezos expects to require between $ 200,000 and $ 300,000 per ticket Space, quite expensive "accessible," since such a trip seemed inconceivable a few years ago. The New Shepard module is designed to carry six passengers at an altitude of over 100 kilometers above sea level, in the low orbit of the planet.

The flight should be enough for tourists to experience unimportant minutes and see the Earth as a whole until New Shepard returns to the ground using the parachutes. In addition, the capsule has six observation windows that are three times larger than conventional windows used for aircraft.

Up to now, Blue Origin has successfully passed more than eight flight tests that have taken place. the role of finalizing the takeoff and landing procedures, but none of them included the presence of a human crew on board, notes Business Insider.

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