LAST TIME No speculation! Gica Hagi has announced the next destination of Ianis Hagi. What's next for the captain of the future


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Gheorghe Hagi has announced that his son Ianis will be leaving Ligue 1 this summer, excluding the possibility that Viitorul's attacking midfielder will reach FCSB.

Gica Hagi thinks that her son has nothing to prove in Ligue 1. Vice-champion Gigi Becali can therefore bring good luck to Ianis.

"Ianis grew up, he gave everything to Romania and to a player when he reached the maximum level in Romania, the next challenge must be that of an even better team to further improve ", Gica Hagi told Pro-X.

At the age of 20, Ianis Hagi has a market share of six million euros, according to Two million euros were paid to Future for the acquisition of Ianis Hagi in January 2018, a year and a half after selling it for a similar amount.

Gigi Becali resigned: "Ianis is a club player bigger than Ajax"

Gigi Becali recognizes that it is almost impossible to transfer Ianis to the FCSB

"I do not want to increase Ianis' quota, because I want to take it, I do not think I can stand it any longer, I've tried it before, but I do not think I'll take it again. not that Gica gives him Ajax, I say that he's a bigger club player. "Okay, as he's too young, he's going to grow a lot, he'll be a big player, so I feel it, "Gigi Becali told Pro-X.

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