Lidl eliminates disposable plastic items by the end of the year – the Curierul National


After Lidl Romania announced that it will reduce the amount of plastic used by 2025 by 2025, the company presents the first concrete measures

Thus, Lidl will abandon , at first, until the end of 2018, the sale of disposable plastic items, such as glasses, deep and wide dishes, spoons and forks. The measure will be taken in more than 225 Lidl stores in Romania

"Our plastic strategy pursues a clear approach, namely: prevention – reduction – recycling

By giving up these disposable items, we are preventing them from being used. introducing additional plastic into the circuit and thus help to improve our balance of use of this material, "said Marco Giudici, vice president of purchasing and marketing at Lidl Romania.

An integral part of the Lidl's business is the selective collection of waste in stores, warehouses, headquarters and regional offices of the company and their dispatch to recycling centers.This measure is detailed in the first sustainability report of Lidl. Lidl published in May this year

About Schwarz's 360 ° Plastic Management Strategy

One of the world's leading retailers, the Schw Group arz, which includes Lidl and Kaufland, is aware of its responsibility, particularly with respect to the environment, and has taken a number of steps in this regard. As part of an overall 360-degree strategy for plastics management, the Schwarz Group develops and implements measurements at the international level. This strategy aims to reduce plastic consumption and closure cycles

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