LSE requires moving operations in the Netherlands – Print


The London Stock Exchange Group Plc, the operator of the London Stock Exchange (LSE), has applied for a license to transfer several operations from London to Amsterdam, if Britain leaves the European Union without an agreement Brussels (Brexit hard). By moving its activities to the Netherlands, LSE will continue to serve its European customers.
According to Reuters, LSE said: "We can confirm that as part of our contingency plan for a challenging Brexit, Turquoise, TRADEcho and UnaVista have requested additional licenses to continue providing Amsterdam services to customers from the EU-27. " At the same time, informs that Chicago-based Cboe Global Markets will open an office in Amsterdam before the UK leaves the EU. Cboe, which owns the Chicago Board Options Exchange, is the largest pan-European stock market after its market share. Cboe will maintain its operations in London for the UK market, but Amsterdam will be the base of its European operations.
Mark Hemsley, President of Cboe Europe, said: "We believe that Holland has a competitive and open financial infrastructure infrastructure, and we believe that Amsterdam is a fantastic place to set up European operations. "
The broadband internet connection in Amsterdam is one of the factors that has led other financial companies in London to settle in the Dutch capital.


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