Mastercard negotiates with UK banks the launch of biometric payment cards – Print


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American Company "Mastercard" Inc. to maintain with British banks to market biometric payment cards,
Mastercard has already tested fingerprint scanners which are used to verify the client's identity. They are designed to replace the use of passwords and speed up online payments and contactless transactions in the store.
A spokesman for the card issuer confirmed to CNBC that Mastercard was in talks with the banks to launch biometric cards.
"The use of passwords for authentication is already a solution, consumers forget the passwords and retailers are facing the abandonment of home baskets," said Ajay Bhalla, President, Global Risk and Security Division, Mastercard. He added: "In paid technology, it's something we tend to switch from money to card, password to fingerprint, and innovative technologies like that artificial intelligence, connect with a fingerprint or self-image, and it's even safer. "
Migration to biometrics reflects a greater shift in the payments industry . In January, the European Union implemented the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2), a regulation aimed at speeding up transactions and giving third-party companies access to data from client banks so that they can make better products. "
New" rules, customers must confirm their identity after five contactless payments. "According to Mastercard," biometric technology is being tested in South Africa. "Visa, Mas-tercard's main rival, in turn , biometric cards in Cyprus
PSD2 put significant pressure on banks and financial service providers to improve their digital capacity.


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