Microsoft shares reached a record high …


Microsoft stocks rose about 5% on Friday and hit a record high, as investors rewarded their quarterly earnings against company expectations, thanks to its Azure cloud computing software and its cloud computing

Microsoft, one of the oldest and most well-known technology companies in the world, has added more than $ 30 billion to its market capitalization, which was already $ 802 billion at the Thursday close, writes [19659003] At least six brokerage companies have increased the company's target stock prices after the announcement of the results.

Aided by demand for cloud software, Microsoft has more than doubled the market value since Satya Nadella became CEO in 2014 and reoriented the group towards new business.

While the division specializes in business and office productivity software, including the Office 365 suite, revenue growth of 13.1% to $ 9.67 billion, revenue from services Azure cloud grew by 89%.

Microsoft has invested heavily in developing its cloud business and ending the market leader Amazon Web Services. The group is more competitive on this segment with Alphabet, IBM and Alibaba

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