Moody's assigns Transelectrica's Ba1 rating, with better prospects of stable to positive |


The international rating agency Moody's Investors Service reconfirms the rating of to the national electricity carrier Transelectrica SA and Ba1, with an improvement from stable to positive, according to a statement from the company sent to the Bucharest Stock Exchange [19659003] "The rating of Moody's is a favorable objective opinion on Transelectrica's ability to honor its financial obligations. The improvement of the rating outlook from stable to positive shows that Transelectrica has very strong, stable and predictable financial stocks, a development trend characterized by a consistent implementation of regulatory standards, and expects it to that this trend continues, "says

National Power Grid Transelectrica ended the first quarter of this year with a net profit of 68.2 million lei, down 3.84% over the same period of 2017, according to data provided in May

Gross margin decreased by 9.79% to RON 78 million

The total operating revenues realized in the first quarter of 2018 recorded a a decrease of 39%, 1% compared to the same period of the previous year, ie 685 million lei, and expenditure (19659004) On 31st March 2018, Transelectrica had total assets of 4,538 billion rubles and a total liabilities of 1,751 billion rubles.

Transelectrica manages and manages the electrical transmission system and provides electricity exchanges between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe as a member of ENTSO-E [Réseau européen des gestionnaires de réseau de transport et d'électricité]

The company is responsible for the transportation of electricity, system and market, ensuring the security of the national electricity system (NPS). It is also the main link between demand and supply of electricity, constantly balancing energy production with demand

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