NBR: In June, non-government loans and savings – Finance & Banks rose


The credit balance increased in June at the non-government level and in the general government sector, while bank deposits increased compared to May, according to data released on Monday by the National Bank of Romania, according to Mediafax. "The balance of non-government loans granted by credit institutions increased by 1.4% in June 2018 (1.4% in real terms) compared to May 2018, amounting to 242.44 billion lei. denominated in RON increased by 1.9% (1.9% in real terms) and the denominated credit in foreign currency increased by 0.4% (expressed in EUR, the foreign currency credit increased by 0.1%). "

As at June 30, 2018, the non-government credit grew by 6.8% (1.3% in real terms) compared to June 30, 2017, at a rate of 15.3% (9.4% in real terms) and a 6.2% decrease in the foreign currency component expressed in ROL (expressed in EUR, the loan in foreign currency decreased by 8.3%)

According to the BNR, the government loan decreased by 3.0% in June 2018 compared to May 2018 to 98.13 billion lei. As of June 30, 2018, government appropriations increased by 1.4% (-3.8% in real terms) compared to June 30, 2017.

Non-government customer deposits increased 1.4% in June 2018 May 2018, up to 312.92 billion ROL. As of June 30, 2018, non-government customer deposits increased by 12.4% (6.6% in real terms) compared to June 30, 2017.

On the other hand, household deposits in rose by 1.0% to 114.43 billion lei. As of June 30, 2018, household deposits in ROL increased by 6.9% (1.4% in real terms) compared to June 30, 2017.

ROL deposits of other sectors (non-financial corporations and financial institutions) non-monetary) increased by 0.5% to 94.95 billion lei. As at June 30, 2018, RON deposits of other sectors increased by 14.6% (8.7% in real terms) compared to June 30, 2017.

Resident foreign currency deposits, expressed in ROL, increased by 2.6% over May 2018, to 103.53 billion lei (expressed in EUR, foreign currency deposits rose 2.3%, to 22.21 billion EUR). Compared to the same month of the previous year, foreign currency deposits of residents denominated in ROL increased by 17% (expressed in EUR, residents' foreign currency deposits increased by 14.4%)

The June 30, 2018, foreign currency deposits of households, expressed in ROL, rose 2.8% (2.8% in real terms) compared to May 2018 (expressed in EUR, the foreign currency deposits of households increased 2.6%). As of June 30, 2018, foreign currency deposits denominated in ROL increased by 18.9% (expressed in EUR, the foreign currency deposits of households increased by 16.1%) compared to June 30, 2017. [19659002] Deposits foreign currencies of other sectors (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions), expressed in ROL, rose by 1.9% (1.9% in real terms) compared to May 2018 (expressed in EUR, other sectors increased by 1.7%). Compared to the same month of the previous year, the foreign currency deposits of other sectors (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions), expressed in MDL, increased by 12.9% (expressed in euros), deposits in foreign currency residents of other sectors increased by 10.3%)

The central bank also reported that the broad money (M3) recorded a balance of 362.16 billion lei at the end of June 2018 Compared to May 2018, it increased by 1.6% and, in June 2017, the money supply increased by 12.8% (7% in real terms).

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