Neti Sandu Horoscope, November 27, 2018. The astrologer tells us that we have been waiting for a month, a year or 12 years and that we will finally progress where we need it.
The vibration of the day is 9 and we have a general idea to guide us today.
Neti Sandu Horoscope November 27, 2018
BERBEC: There are people who are willing to help you as little as possible, but for you it will matter and it will be a comfort, it will look good, normal.
TAUR: There is the money you have been waiting for, who knows since, and maybe you have the guts to take a house with a credit or take another car.
GEMENI: You can beat your hand for a business once you have spent a lot of time and you are going to recover from a financial point of view.
RAC: You can find a sponsorship and continue your project in which you have invested time and money, and on which you can count.
LEU: You can also take a rest of your money, it can be an increase in salary and take your children, especially, what they wanted if you are convinced that they are worth it – just that!
FACE: There are still housing problems to solve and you will get money that will not be.
BALANCE: A health problem can be solved easily, but if you ignore it, you could be bothered when your world is the most expensive. see them!
SCORPION: You can get a bonus, a bonus, get money you forgot and run after the weekend.
SAGITATOR: Start new projects and boost your career. It's a good time to reinvent yourself because it's your special year.
CAPRICORN: You have sprawling ideas about a contract that would pay you money to help you pay your big debts and that the rest of your salary would pay you back.
VICTOR: It is possible to create a foundation in which you have an important role to play on other occasions and you will do it well.
FISH: You are promoting a promotion, now or a little later, the big benefactor, Jupiter, will come out of anonymity and give you a few gallons, plus a salary, maybe.
Source: stirileprotv.ro
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