One in two Romanian plans to buy a smartphone with artificial intelligence


Most Romanians (88%) have heard of the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and half of them intend to acquire a smartphone with this technology in the next two years, according to a market study released yesterday. By Agerpres
By asking what artificial intelligence associates, 88% of those who have heard of this type of technology have contacted robots. On the other hand, nearly two-thirds of respondents (64%) associated this technology with hardware / software, 63% with cars, 60% with drugs and 51% with the military industry
. on the most wanted attributes of an artificial smart phone, the first is the energy efficiency and a more durable battery, the second the phone memory, and the improvement of the experience of navigation and the quality of the photos.
The marketplace was created for Huawei by iSense Solutions in June 2018 on a representative sample of 24 to 45-year-old commercial audience in the urban area

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