Prosecutors have not banned the police from entering Gheorghe Dinca's house


Prosecutors at the prosecutor's office near the Caracal court did not prohibit police officers from entering Gheorghe Dinca's home. After identifying it, the Attorney General's office announces one of the findings of the audit conducted by the guidance and control department in this case.

"Regarding the findings on the ground, prosecutors and police officers have, by mutual agreement, felt that it was not appropriate to enter the house before 6:00, because there was a risk of compromising the evidence in the situation where the author was not there, "says Attorney General's Office, in a press release issued on Tuesday


The irregularities discovered by the service of orientation and control following the checks carried out with the parquet floor near the court of Caracal:

– It was found that the procedural provisions relating to the registration of the case which was the subject of the file no. 1883 / P / 2019 of the prosecutor's office near the court of Caracal, as well as a mismanagement of the case.

– The communication between the police and the prosecutors was faint, noting that the file was registered with the prosecutor's office near the court of Caracal approximately 5 hours after the notification of the service 112, which led to the request and the taking of the measures required. in order to locate and identify the author with delay.

The report, sent to IJ and MJ

"In addition, a check will be carried out by the service of guidance and control of the prosecutor's office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, to the prosecutor's office near the court of Caracal, as regards the respect of the procedural standards in terms of reception / recording the works, records and continuity of the works distributed, the rate of completion of the pieces of parquet, "indicates the source cited.

The report has also been sent to the Judicial Inspectorate for review in the event that it conducts investigations.

At the same time, in accordance with Article 69, para. 1 and 2 of the law no. 303/2004 concerning the judicial organization, a copy of the report was communicated to the Minister of Justice.

Read also: It is official: SS enters the Caracal case and starts the criminal proceedings – the prosecutors are also targeted and the police involved

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