Renault will double the production capacity of Zoe, the best-selling EV in Europe


  Renault Zoe - 26

Renault will double the production of its Zoe electric car in the Paris factory. The French manufacturer has decided to invest a billion euros in its zero emission vehicles division.

A new Renault Zoe will appear next year with higher specifications. Zoe is the best-selling electric vehicle over the period 2015-2017, and in 2018 at this time it is slightly overtaken by the Japanese Nissan, the new Leaf.

  Renault Zoe

Last year, about 30,000 units Zoe went out of Flins' assembly lines, reaching a total of 100,000 units since the beginning of the model. Renault officials announced efforts to double production, with the factory reaching 220 models per day, to 440.

The implementation of new technologies to increase production will take place during the holidays. August

Flins started its activity in 1952. Currently, the Renault Clio, the Nissan Micra and the Renault Zoe are built on the same assembly line. 63,000 Clio and 94,000 Micra were produced there in 2017. The increase in Zoe's production will result in Clio's move to the Bursa factory in Turkey and Novo Mesto in Slovenia, according to French officials

. includes, with the new Zoe, a total of eight VEs by 2022. Some of them will be based on the new Renault-Nissan group platform, CMF-EV, which will debut in 2020 at the Douai plant in northern France

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