Space vacations could become a reality in 2019. How much does a ticket to Jeff Bezos cost?


Among the companies involved in the race to transform space tourism, Blue Origin, founded by Jeff Bezos, seems the closest. The world's richest man plans to launch the first spacecraft with passengers on board in 2019.

According to sources involved in the project, quoted by Reuters, the price of a ticket will be between $ 200,000 and $ 300,000

According to experts, such a tariff is not high enough to make space tourism profitable, and even every launch could cost the company millions of dollars

In any case, rumors are in line with the prices of Virgin Galactic Richard Branson, who has already sold $ 650 to 250,000 tickets a day, although he has not announced the release yet. of his space travels.

Blue Origin customers will fly into the New Shepard spacecraft, designed to be used for multiple trips. New Shepard will be able to carry up to six people at more than 100 kilometers altitude, from where passengers can experience a few minutes of imponderability and will see the curvature of the Earth and then the capsule will return to the ground with parachutes

The vehicle is equipped with six windows, three of which are larger than regular passenger aircraft.

Company officials revealed at a conference held last month that they were planning to launch experimental passenger flights and that they would start selling.

Blue Origin was founded by Jeff Bezos, founder of the Amazon, in 2000. The company unveiled the general design of its spacecraft, which consists of a launch and launch rocket. a detachable passenger module, but has so far remained silent about the evolution of production and pricing strategy.

New Shepard has already made eight test flights, but has not yet approached human passengers.

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