Start converting credits into Swiss francs. The first contract was signed


Banca Transilvania announces that the first Bancopost conversion contract was signed with loans in Swiss francs with property guarantee

According to the banking institution, in the first two weeks of the campaign, 1,025 meetings between the Bancpost – BT and Bancpost Clients teams, which means about 85 meetings a day, according to a daily press release from

32% of customers accepted the conversion of loans into CHF or lei, the next step being the signature of the documents. The campaign continues until August 31st.

Banca Transilvania and Bancpost launch an offer at the beginning of July for Bancpost's customers who benefit from loans in Swiss francs accompanied by real estate guarantees

As a first step, the 2,250 Bancpost clients who were eligible for the loan were the following: Offer were contacted by phone and invited to a meeting at one of the Bancpost units included in the campaign to find the details of the offer.

After meeting Bancpost – BT, customers have 15 days to decide (19659003) The offer means that Bancpost's customers with loans in Swiss francs with real estate guarantees an 18% discount applied to the current balance , (19659003) In April, Banca Transilvania, the bank, the second largest bank in Romania, announced that it has become the owner of the majority stake (99.15%) held by the Eurobank group in Bancpost, respectively shares held in ERB Retail Services IFN and ERB Leasing IFN

The merger of the two (19659003) Before the financial crisis, many Romans took loans in Swiss francs when the currency was less than 2 lei. But after 2009, she strongly appreciated, leaping 4 lei, so that those who chose to take out a loan in Swiss francs were heavily affected.

The law on the conversion of credits into francs was adopted. Isarescu: We observe populist currents with social costsThe law on the conversion of loans in Swiss francs is unconstitutional, announced the CCRReaction of the National Bank of Romania after the law on the conversion of loans in Swiss francs was declared unconstitutional. .. Read more The first contract was signed "on

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