Deans interested in the RABLA program should hurry up. The RABLA program will operate under the same conditions as last year, the only change concerns the appearance of the section dedicated to electric vehicles, called RABLA PLUS.
The ranking of validation files of the manufacturers, importers and distributors of cars of the program "Rabla 2016", which will include this year the section "Rabla Plus", will run from May 30 to June 3, announced Wednesday in a press release , the Environmental Fund Administration (AFM), according to Agerpres.
According to the AFM, the conditions for participation in the Rabla and Rabla Plus programs, as well as the documents to be submitted by the car manufacturers / dealers, appear in the financing guidelines of the two programs published in the Official Journal of Romania. Me no 397/25 May 2016 and on the website of the Administration of the Environment Fund (www.afm.ro), in the sections related to the programs.
The deadline for submitting files for validation is June 3rd, 2016. The file analysis phase, the legal deadline for the filing and settlement of appeals and the publication of the list of self-validated manufacturers / resellers will be launched.
List of manufacturers, importers and distributors of cars eligible to participate in the 2016 program to stimulate national fleet renewal and the program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transportation by promoting energy-efficient road transport vehicles, as well as that of economic operators authorized to collect and process end-of-life vehicles will be published on the LMM website.
The program "Rabla" will run in 2016 in the same conditions as the previous year, the only change being the emergence of the section devoted to electric cars, entitled Rabla Plus.
This year, the total value of the program is 220 million lei, of which 75 million will be allocated to the extension "Rabla Plus", thanks to which Romanians can buy 100% electric cars. The amount of the ticket will reach 6 500 lei compared to the previous year, while the old cars over 8 years old can be abandoned.
In addition, as in 2015, there will be eco-bonuses and 750 lei for the purchase of a new car whose engine generates CO2 emissions of less than 100 g / km in mixed mode, but and for hybrid cars, buyers will get a maximum of 9,000 lei.
On the other hand, in the case of the program "Rabla Plus", there will be a bonus of 5,000 lei for those who want to buy a new hybrid car, and another 20,000 lei for a 100% electric car.
The novelty is that people wishing to apply to "Rabla Plus" are not obliged to drive an old car. However, if those who rent an old car are considering buying an electric car, they can get a 6,000 euro ticket.
Estimates from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MMAP) show that 20,000 cars over the age of eight will be destroyed as part of this year's Rabla program.
The "Rabla Plus" program will also include the financing component of the electricity infrastructure. In fact, the president of the AFM, István Jakab, recently said in an interview with AGERPRES that the funding guide of the charging infrastructure development program for electric vehicles and hybrids should be completed from here the end of May.
Source – Agerpres
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