Ştefan Radu, excluded from the Lazio team! Secrets of an unexpected divorce: "He was touched!"


Ştefan Radu no longer counts in calculations to Lazio and will almost certainly not be part of the lot with which Simone Inzaghi will resume the preparations for the new season at Auronzo di Cadore, as of July 10.

That's why the club requires it to find a team to avoid a media scandal. "Radu was kicked out of the door and was informed of his decision at the end of the season in front of the entire team. A paradox, since the contract was renewed until 2021 in November. What happened in the meantime? Lazio speaks of poor performance, but it was only in the second half of the season that continuity did not occur, all because of injuries, "writes cittaceleste.it.

"Hit the hit derby"

And the Romanian defender is accused of serious accusations: "The high circles of the club, who consulted doctors and diagnoses, suggested that it would have prolonged injuries, even in some matches.

He suspected, particularly the absence, "unjustified" according to the medical team of the derby, although Stephen swore that his ankle hurt him. For several years, the sports director of Tare had noticed his lack of involvement in the training. As a symbol of the team, Radu is assured of his place and has not shown the spirit with which he overcame the typos. "

"I would have stayed alive"

On the other side, the source quoted also proposes its position, coming from the player's entourage: "Needless to say, everything that happens is just hogwash." I've always said and repeated that I wanted to stay alive in Lazio I have never claimed a title with anyone! "

Radu has proposals from Naples, Fenerbahce, Dinamo and Parma. The closest would be the last team, but he can not secure the current net salary of 1.5 million euros.

18 matchesStefan Radu missed 51 goals in the last Lazio championship, compared to only four for suspensions. Never exceeded 31 games per season in Serie A, averaging 25 in the last decade

5 trophieswon the Romanian defender in Italy, three Cups and two Supercup with Lazio, for which he scored 348 games and 7 goals

See as well: Fans of Lazio build a wall around Stefan Radu: "Do not touch him! It's our brother!" "Threat to protest!

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