Tetik, Banca Transilvania: ROBOR will grow, but stay below the rate of economic growth and inflation rate | Economica.net


The ROBOR will grow, but its level will remain below the rate of economic growth and inflation rate, said Friday Agerpres Omer Tetik, CEO of Banca Transilvania, at l. official opening of the dedicated trading session of the first bond issue listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange

"The ROBOR will grow, our forecast, but as we discussed it a lot yesterday at the Banquier Summit, I do not think that it is new. In fact, we are only now discussing a level of interest on American LIBOR. We must talk about real interest, when we compare with inflation, we compare with economic growth, and from this point of view, we consider the reference rate to maybe 3% and the ROBOR could reach almost 4%. Today, it is below the rate of economic growth lower than wage growth. The interest itself is either a result or an instrument used to manage inflation. What we would like more: buy bread 10% more expensive, but the interest rate is 1%, or the interest rate of 3% so we can buy goods and public services to a more reasonable price at lower inflation

The ROBOR index will most likely remain below the economic growth rate and the inflation rate

The ROBOR index at three months, according to which the cost of loans ROL is calculated by The variable interest rate continued to rise Thursday on the interbank market, reaching 3.39% per annum, against 3.34% Wednesday, according to data from the National Bank of Romania (BNR). On Friday, he stayed at 3.39%.

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