Another episode of the soap opera "Poli Iaşi". Sports Director Tibor Selymes, intervened in the summer by the financier Horia Sabo, granted an incendiary interview to Ziarul de Iasi, accusing the executive president Adrian Ambrosie d & # 39; incompetence.
"If we are now in relegation, it is my fault, because I agreed to leave sports leadership only to Ambrosia and his coach Flavius Stoican. I was only involved in the transfer campaign. "
In the earlier international opinion, Ambrosia had made several "catastrophic" decisions, some even before coming in June:
"He banned Florin Prunea from the club or the Moldovans of Football Week, who are currently playing in Mediaş, and dismissed his coach, Eugen Neagoe, who has not lost 15 matches! He signed contracts that offered no benefit to the club or could result in a penalty for the team. I do not want to give details for the moment, but it is important that I save the Pole from depreciation! "
Captain Andrei Cristea, whose captain Andrei Cristea, said he had saved him from a fine dictated by the Ambrosian-Stoican couple: "They wanted to fine him 2,000 euros and I blocked the penalty. "
At the same time, the former Golden Generation component criticized Ambrosie when he had decided to resign: "The team needed peace to be able to face FCSB and the president had launched the attacks."
"Not only ambrosia is not good in football, but it also has big credibility problems." He said that I won it with Horia in the same place, which is wrong. "My gross income is as high as his"
"The president urged to double his salary and he also took the salary in October, which the players did not take in. And I did not say anything, I was the only one to to receive only two salaries since I arrived in Iasi! "
"Last year, Ambrosie said that he would not give a down payment.He even received such a premium.When he took over the club in 2017, he inflated the debt In the summer, when we arrived, we were told that they are less indebted than they were! "
"After the victory with Astra, I wanted to avoid relaxing in the locker room and forming the FCSB team, so we announced that salaries would be paid if we beat the FCSB"
"Among the players that I brought, not everyone has confirmed that it was true, but that's what's happening all over Real Madrid, and this n & # 39; It's not just their fault or those who brought it "
Tibor Selymes, sports director Poli Iasi
13it's the place where Poli is in the rankings, with 17 points. before last
See also: EXCLUSIVE Florin Prunea reacted to the explosive interview offered by the Mayor of Iasi for GSP.ro: "I am surprised.
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