The alarming announcement of Samsung on smart TVs. What he recommends


Samsung has issued an alarming Twitter message on its smart TVs, then erase it without explanation.

The Internet of Things (IoT) can have many advantages, but it also has several disadvantages, including the low security of smart products (TVs, refrigerators, etc.). A Samsung representative posted a Twitter message suggesting Samsung smart TV owners scan their TVs for viruses.

"The analysis of your malware is important for the proper functioning of the device.The same goes for your QLED TV if it is connected to Wi-Fi. Prevent attacks on your TV by searching for viruses every few weeks, "was the message from Samsung.

Smart TV, vulnerable to viruses

It is unclear whether this message has been compounded by a recent security threat or whether someone has been overzealous in the office. Stranger is that they deleted the message. Are we worried? Are there any vulnerabilities of Samsung TVs?

This shows you how dangerous smart TVs can be. These are useful and allow you to watch Netflix, play and surf the Internet, but do not have a well-established security system or security solutions.

A hacker could then operate the network and the TV to access information. The TV can access the built-in microphones or bank details you entered when you created a Netflix or YouTube Premium account.

If you still have the Samsung QLED TV, it is best to do this virus scan. What you need to do is go to General Settings then choose System Manager then Smart Security then press Scan. Unfortunately, this process can not be automated or programmed. You will have to do it manually once every few weeks.

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