The American group Honeywell is developing in Romania


Honeywell specializes in providing a diverse range of B2B and B2C products, engineering and aerospace systems. The company is developing its business locally in all segments that it operates, but more particularly on energy efficiency, smart buildings and the aviation industry.
The US group has announced the appointment of Ronald Binkofski to the presidency of Central and Eastern Europe. Binkofski is a business leader with over 25 years of experience in business management and digital transformation. He would coordinate Warsaw Honeywell's development strategy in the region. Its mission is to provide customers in the region with access to enterprise technologies to improve safety, efficiency and productivity.
Prior to joining Honeywell, Binkofski led Microsoft's operations in Central and Eastern Europe for Poland and Romania. Previously, Binkofski spent nine years at Software AG in Germany. In his new role, he oversees Honeywell operations in Central and Eastern Europe, a region that employs 11,000 people in some 30 offices in Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and in Serbia. He will report to Shane Tedjarati, President of Honeywell's High Growth Regions.
Honeywell combines hardware with advanced software solutions and data analysis. Many of these solutions are designed and designed in Central and Eastern Europe, including the 1,500 engineers at the Brno R & D Center in the Czech Republic. Regional activities cover the four business areas of the business – aerospace products and services, building control technologies, housing and industrial premises as well as advanced materials – and include sales, customer support, administrative domains, production and research [19659002] The same comfort
"Honeywell technologies are used daily by people, often without them, either by promoting safer air, by supporting the field of electronic commerce through better logistics or contributing to greater energy efficiency of buildings, we have operations in various sectors and a broad portfolio of technologies, which puts us in a unique position to respond to the many growth opportunities in emerging markets. Central and Eastern Europe Ronald's experience in the field of software and Business is invaluable, as Central and Eastern Europe becomes an increasingly important region in Honeywell's long-term growth strategy, "said Shane Tedjarati. is to develop in the local market with products, solutions and services dedicated to local businesses. We want to increase our market share and implicitly double-digit local activity this year, "said Ronald Binkofsk.
Shane Tedjarati pointed out that" Romania has a very strong growth potential in solutions and systems. Efficiency of consumption. the maintenance of smart buildings because it has been built a lot in recent years and still continues to build. "

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