The cause of death of the man, differentiated according to the sexes by the gendarmes to Vatra Dornei. Lawyers confirmed acute cardiorespiratory insufficiency


John Csapai, the 55-year-old man who died Friday, July 19 after being grounded and "gassed" by a team of Vatra Dornei's gendarmes because he had assaulted a 12-year-old boy, was buried on Wednesday , July 23rd.

Ghic, his brother, is revolted by what happened. He told "The Truth" that John was neither a pedophile nor a criminal. "Even though he was a pedophile, he was still not supposed to be killed," said the man. Ghicã Csapai said that his brother lived in a house in Vatra Dornei. He had divorced 17 years ago and had two children. John Csapai was retired because of heart disease. He worked four hours a day at a hotel in Vatra Dornei.

"I do not need any damages, I want to pay the guilty parties, I saw the video recording, I saw how the gendarmes acted," the source added. cited.

The family received the death certificate as a result of the necropsy in Suceava. The medical document that led to the death of John Csapai has three causes. In addition to the letter a, "disease or morbid condition directly causing death" is preceded by "acute cardiorespiratory failure". In the letter b, previous causes: "generalized peritonitis", and in the letter c, initial morbid state – "Total entero-mesenteric intarction". The certifier was signed by the lawyer Lăcrămioara Balan.

Additional samples were taken for in-depth research at Iasi. The family of the deceased will also receive these results in two weeks.

John Csapai died Saturday, July 20 at the Suceava County Hospital. He had been plunged into a deep coma. The doctors did it, but despite the efforts, the man stopped. Just hours before his death, he was attending a folk music festival for children in Vatra Dornei. A father complained to the gendarmes who ensured the order and silence of the public during the event where he had managed to upset his daughter.

The gendarmes tried to legitimize him, but John Csapai tried to escape. The gendarmes caught up with him, extracted him from the crowd and tried to immobilize him for a few minutes. The moment of intervention of the force was filmed by a passer-by. The images clearly show how the man is held face-down by two gendarmes. A gendarmerie belonging to the intervention team approached the person lying on the ground and sprayed the tear spray directly in front, at a distance of about 20 centimeters. It is at this point that the Guide of professional intervention of the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Gendarmerie, on page 62, shows that the effective distance between the use of the hand-held sprayer and irritating and lacimimetic substances n is not more than three meters but less than 1, 5 – 2 meters.


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The father of the 12-year-old girl touched by the deceased in the hospital after being gassed by the gendarmes: "I can only thank them for the intervention"

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