The former minister reportedly suffered a stroke


Former Justice Minister Tudorel Toader criticized the press for reporting on his state of health. He claims that he went today, not Sunday night, to the Iaşi Neurosurgery Hospital for "periodic medical examinations".

"Another simple indication! When I was in the hospital, for an hour and twenty minutes, to remove my three moles from the face, the press wrote that I had been admitted urgently, broken leg! Today, when I was admitted to my periodic medical examination, the press discovered all possible diagnoses. These are us! It's our press! Toader wrote Monday on his Facebook page.

The current rector of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi reportedly suffered a cerebral ischemic stroke on the right, according to the Iasi newspaper.

Tudorel Toader would have appeared last night at the hospital, being admitted to intensive care, and in the morning, his health was better. According to the source quoted, the rector of the UAIC could move his right hand.

Medical sources told the local press that the stroke was most likely transient and that there was a good chance that it was completely healed.

Spokesperson: Tudorel Toader Receives Medical Care

In addition, although the former minister stated that there was talk of medical examinations,The spokesman of the Iaşi Neurosurgery Hospital, Florin Grămadă, told Mediafax that Tudorel Toader was receiving medical attention, but that he could not provide details about his health condition.

Publisher: George Costiţă

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