Garanti Romania, which brings together Garanti Bank, Garanti Leasing and Garanti Consumer Loans, announced Friday that it had achieved a consolidated net profit of 78.8 million lei in the first half, due to the increase in total assets [19659002AinsilereGroupGarantiarecordedanbenefitedandconsolidatedfrom2749millionfromthefirstmonthsandupdividedby102%ofvolumetotalofcapitalsthatwasrelatedto115millionofROLaccordingtoNewsro
At the individual level, Garanti Bank achieved a net profit of 64.6 million lei at the end of June, with a significant commercial contribution to this result.
Mark Zuckerberg lost nearly $ 16 billion due to a 20% drop in shares of Facebook [19659005] "Effective banking strategy to develop a health portfolio In the first half, the volume of loans increased by 9.8% to 9.06 billion lei (against 8.24 billion lei from January to June 2017) and 13.9 % of the volume of deposits., to 7.79 billion lei (from 6.84 billion lei in the same period of the previous year), the report says.
The group also announced that risk indicators are at a comfortable level