The giant industry where Romania equals Belgium and France


Only a little over 35% of Romanians buy onlinu at least once a month, and 10% never use this route, according to an ING survey conducted by residents of several countries in the country. world

compared to the European average, however, is similar to that of more developed countries like Belgium or Spain

Moreover, when taking orders online, the means of payment chosen are often the conventional means, namely to order or prepay by debit card.

The ING report also shows that in Romania the percentage of those who buy online but prefer to pay cash or card on delivery is 46%.

Decisions are motivated by the convenience or safety or compatibility of devices used for the purchase or the presence of commissions.

When it comes to online shopping, British and American residents are the most competent buyers compared to consumers. Europe and Australia

In general, more than three quarters of the British population (77%) buy online at least once a month – 10% more than the European average of 67%

Internet shops for hundreds of billions of euros. There are about 1.4 billion euros in Romania

Some of the world's largest companies come from online sales like Amazon or Alibaba, while the world's richest man has just become the founder of the Amazon, Jeff Bezos.

Over the period 2012-2017, the share of online shoppers at the EU level increased from 59% to 68%.

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