The new Alro price offer provoked reactions: small investors withdrew a quarter of their orders


Personal Finance

today, 00:07


Liviu Popescu

The first trading session with broker Alro Slatina (ALR) took surprise brokers as private investors took a quarter of orders placed on Friday, so the value of subscriptions almost halved to about 19 [19659004] The first reaction of small investors that brokers did not expect especially in the context where bidders lowered the subscription price and applied the 7% discount for the remaining period of supply, ie by July 19

With four remaining shares in the sale of Alro Slatina shares, brokers believe that new changes to the aluminum producer's prospectus could boost retail investors, and many of them could supplement subscriptions given that for the second there is no longer the minimum threshold of 100 subscribed shares.

"Changes made to an Alro Alro share sale may bring greater interest from individual investors.The lowering of the maximum price and the 7% discount on any the time of the offer may be factors that will also impress retail investors.It will be very interesting to see what is happening nowadays with the price in the main market, "says Simion Tihon, Prime Transaction broker


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Article published in the print edition of Ziarul Financiar of 16.07.2018

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