The profile of the computer scientist today compared to ten years ago


The computer field is one of the most prolific of the moment, being in continuous expansion and development, both in our country and across borders. In this context, EXE Software describes the profile of the current computer scientist compared to the employee from ten years ago.

If in the past the main method of work was Waterfall, in recent years, Agile is the most popular alternative. This has led to changes in both the functioning of the teams and the profile of the selected individuals. Because this methodology requires intense communication and constant feedback, it is now more important for individuals to be open to interact with clients and all other team members. In other words, 10 years ago, technical skills and competencies were essential, while the focus is now on team communication, ie skills non-technical.

the candidates knew more technologies, but because many industries have emerged in recent years, they have specialized in a particular niche, whether it is a language or a from a frame. At the moment, a transition is always difficult when using new technologies and new languages, for example to rewrite applications from older technologies. In addition, Web development (.NET framework) and business intelligence

teams are increasingly being solicited: in terms of candidate behavior, they were more active in the past and applied much more to the organization. 39; employment. while headhunting is highly concerned – the human resources department addresses passive candidates whose profile matches that of the company. Given the size of the field, candidates are becoming more aware of their value and have higher expectations, so companies must settle for attractive offers and packages and dive their work according to the requirements. potential employees. 19659005] Ubisoft's Innovative Program: … "class =" lazyload img-thumbnail "/>

Read: Ubisoft prepares future programming specialists – how many are there [19659006]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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